Coding Tomorrow: Support to the Social Life
Coding Tomorrow: Support to the Social Life
As part of the project, container technology classes will be established in the 4 provinces hit hardest by the earthquake. The first of these classes was opened in Adıyaman. After Adıyaman, container technology classes will also be established in Hatay, Kahramanmaraş, and Malatya. The mobile tent school will visit villages, tent cities and container cities in 11 disaster-affected provinces.
The project plans to reach a total of 100,000 children with container classes and the mobile tent school. As part of the project, our aim is also to reach out to children who migrated from earthquake zones to different provinces.
Project Content:
Music and fairy tale workshops, coding training and various social activities will be organized for children aged 7-14 in both container classes and the mobile tent school.
Children will receive psychosocial support through play therapy.
All of these are special trainings and activities approved by experts in the field of psychology.
Our activities and training will also include other provinces where child earthquake victims are resettled.
Hackathon for high school students:
As part of the "Coding Tomorrow Supports the Social Life" project, psychology professionals-approved special education and activities will be organized for children in the region in container technology classes and mobile education vehicle. The activities and training to be provided as part of the project will also include other provinces where child earthquake victims are resettled.
With the "Hackathon for Technological Solutions to Natural Disasters" to be organized for high school youth, solutions to natural disasters will also be created by leveraging AI and other technologies.
The project has reached over 300,000 children
The project has reached over 300,000 children
Within the "Coding Tomorrow" project, children between 7-14 across Turkey receive theoretical and practical training from volunteer trainers on various subjects, including the introduction to programming, algorithm logic, application development, storytelling, and game development.
As part of the "Coding Tomorrow", which has reached over 300,000 children in 81 provinces to date, 14 million TRY of social value was obtained last year, and each investment of 1 TRY for the project yielded a social return of 7,7 TRY. You can also access "Coding Tomorrow” training via the online training platform, free of charge.
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Connected Women
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Completed Projects