Vodafone Foundation

We are part of a network of 27 local foundations affiliated with the Vodafone Group Foundation committed to support social and economic development of the countries in which Vodafone operates. We have been working to lead social development and change since the establishment of our foundation in 2007.




By supporting technology based projects aimed at women and children with a particular focus on education and entrepreneurship, we seek to drive positive change in our community, and to contribute to building a more livable world in the long term.

Vodafone Group Foundation

Founded by Vodafone Group Plc. in 2002, Vodafone Group Foundation operates in 27 countries worldwide.

Communities across the world face obstacles to a fair future. Connection helps tackle these obstacles. Here at Vodafone Foundation, connection is what energises us. It’s also what we’re experts in. We’re driving real change through the power of connections.

  • Mission

    Connectivity can address some of the world’s most pressing problems.

  • Manifesto

    We invest in the betterment of the communities in which Vodafone Group PLC operates. Focusing on the challenges where we believe Vodafone’s technology can make a difference.

  • Purpose

    Our Purpose is to improve 400m lives by 2025.

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