Be A Part of Kindness Thanks to the Code Written by Our Children for Stray Animals and Join #BuMamaBenden Now It's Your Turn to Support
Children who are learning to code within Coding Tomorrow project carried out by Vodafone Turkey Foundation in cooperation with Habitat Association, designed an automated feeding bowl activated by tweet in order to help stray animals in need. Now there’s a feeding bowl refilling automatically at 13 different locations.
Then how does this system work?
Our children have built a feeding machine that is activated with code so that everyone could help stray animals on the street.
You can command this machine by tweeting with the #BuMamaBenden hashtag on Twitter.
If the feeding bowl is empty, the lid opens and the food drops into the bowl. If the feeding bowl is afull, your command waits for the bowl to empty.
Our cats and dogs chomp on the food in the feeding bowl.
Sıkça Sorulan Sorular
What is a code-activated feeding machine?
The feeding machine is designed to feed stray animals by children who are trained in coding under the Coding Tomorrow project initiated by the Vodafone Turkey Foundation in cooperation with Habitat Association. It is coded to activate by tweet with #BuMamaBenden hashtag.
Is the feeding machine appropriate for feeding stray animals?
The feeding machine is designed with veterinary approval in the appropriate sizes for the feeding of stray animals.
Does the feeding machine detect my every command communicated by my tweet with #BuMamaBenden hashtag?
The feeding machine detects any commands on each tweet posted to your Twitter profile with the #BuMamaBenden hashtag. Your Twitter account must be public (i.e., unprotected) for the command to be detected by the machine.
How does the feeding machine work?
The feeding machine is encoded to drop the food into the feeding bowl by the tweet with #BuMamaBenden hashtag if the bowl is empty. However, if the bowl is full, your command will be queued. When the feeding bowl becomes empty, the following tweet drops the food into the bowl.
What should we do to dispense food with the feeding machine?
To give food to stray animals by the code activated machine, it is enough to tweet with the #BuMamaBenden hashtag on Twitter.
Who checks the food in the feeding machine?
The feeding machine is checked regularly by the relevant Vodafone teams.
Can I buy the feeding machine for myself? Does Vodafone have such a service?
Vodafone does not sell feeding machines at present.
How can I check the food status in the bowl?
You can find out the food status in the bowl with the response to the tweet you tweeted on Twitter with #BuMamaBenden hashtag.
Having tweeted with the #BuMamaBenden hashtag, I did not receive any information about the food status. What is the reason?
However, there is a limit to the response on Twitter. If you have no response, it is because of this limit. Food is poured into the feeding bowl if the bowl is empty. However, if the bowl is full, your tweet will be queued. When the feeding bowl becomes empty, the following tweet drops the food into the bowl.
How much food does the feeding machine dispense at one time?
The feeding machine provides enough food to feed a street animal each time it drops food. The feeding machine pours 200 g of food into the feeding bowl each time it drops food.
What is the food brand dispensed by the feeding machine? Why was this food brand preferred?
My Food branded food was preferred. The food brand has been recommended by the veterinarian.
How often is food control performed in the feeding machine?
Food control in the feeding machine is carried out every day by the relevant teams.
Is the food supplied from the feeding machine suitable for stray animals?
The food supplied from the feeding machine is determined based on the veterinary recommendation and is suitable for stray animals.
At what time intervals and when does the feeding machine operate?
Feeding machine is available 24/7.
Can we meet the water needs of stray animals by the feeding machine?
The feeding machine is designed only to meet the food need.
Does the food provided by the feeding machine satisfy the animals?
The food provided by the feeding machine consists of enough food to feed a stray animal.
At what intervals do you supply food to the feeding machine?
Food supplies are provided to the feeding machine on a daily basis by the relevant Vodafone teams.
Where and when was the food I sent with my tweet dispensed?
Thanks to each tweet with #BuMamaBenden hashtag the food is poured into the bowl at the bottom of the feeding machine, if the container is empty. However, if the bowl is full, the tweet in question will be queued. When the feeding bowl becomes empty, the following tweet drops the food into the bowl.
Does the machine dispense food at each command?
When the feeding machine detects any commands on each tweet you posted with the #BuMamaBenden hashtag, it pours food into the feeding bowl if the bowl is empty. However, if the bowl is full, your tweet will be queued. When the feeding bowl becomes empty, the following tweet drops the food into the bowl.
Is it enough to tweet to join the campaign?
Just to tweet with the #BuMamaBenden hashtag on Twitter. Your Twitter account must be public (i.e., unprotected) for the command to be detected by the feeding machine.
Which stray animals on the street can we feed by the feeding machine?
Street animals of the cat and dog can be fed.
Is the type of food supplied from the feeding machine suitable for all stray animals?
It is suitable for stray animals of the cat and dog
How long will this project continue?
The project is planned for an indefinite period.
If my Twitter account is protected can I get food to dispense from the feeding bowl with my tweet?
Your Twitter account must be public (i.e., unprotected) for your command, activated by #BuMamaBenden hashtag, to be detected by the feeding machine.
How was the feeding machine built by the children?
In the coding training we provide through the Vodafone Turkey Foundation, our children get ideas about programming with the "Scratch" programming language developed for children by MIT, which is recognized as the best technical university in the world, and they are working to reveal their creativity, developing their imagination as well as their own games. As a result of the information they received during these trainings, our children wrote code for stray animals, and thanks to this code, they could fill the feeding bowl in Vodafone Zeytinburnu Station Store with just one tweet.
Why was such a project implemented?
Our children who were trained in the Coding Tomorrow Project used the Scratch programming language they had learned during this training to find solutions to social problems. They wrote a code for the feeding machine so that stray animals could easily access the food at any time. And so, they developed a product by which everyone could feed stray animals remotely, even if they were not physically near the feeding bowl.
Is there an association you work with? Are there any sponsors you cooperate?
Coding Tomorrow Project was launched in August 2016 in cooperation with Habitat Association and Vodafone Turkey Foundation. Coding Tomorrow Project provides coding training to the children aged 7 to 14 all over Turkey.
What is the purpose of the feeding machine?
The aim of the Feeding Project is to ensure that stray animals do not starve thanks to technology support regardless of distance.
Who built the feeding machine?
It was built by the children who were trained in the Coding Tomorrow Project. Our students, Serhat Seval and Sudenaz Kınık, developed the idea of this feeding project in Kayseri thanks to the coding training they received at Kayseri Çetin Şen Science and Arts Education Center under the mentorship of our volunteer educator Melih Tan.
Are you going to place a feeding machine in other locations?
Thank you so much for your support. We initiated this project with our children who are the Coding Tomorrow to reach as many stray animals as possible. We are also trying to place our feeding bowls in front of other Vodafone stores as earliest as possible. We will continue to announce the developments from our social media accounts.
Does the kid in this video put this project into practice?
This project was developed by our children who received coding training in Kayseri. This film is based on a true story.